Thursday, May 10, 2007

Biofuels - A Double Edged Sword?

A personally disturbing thing to me about Global Warming is that because it is a relatively new discovery, and we can do several things to curb the effects however we cannot be sure that our current solutions won't be problematic in the future. It truly is a double edged sword. Take biofuels for may reduce greenhouse gases but may also destroy the cultivated land used to grow the corn or sugarcane. It's almost as though it will take us another 50 years just to figure out how to get ourselves out of this mess. However, I completely agree with lowering our dependancy on fossil fuels; globally. It is not only been a key culprit in the deterioration of Mother Earth, it has also been one of the main causes of war throughout the world. Ride your bike....Peace.

Here are a few articles regarding the use of biofuels:

National Geographic:

United Nations website:

Another great resource:

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