Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Making a Difference - With ALL Odds Against You!

Check out this story about a guy in rural India. He attended a local college that teaches under-educated Indians to make a living. He became a solar engineer and brought solar power/light to his hometown that never had light after dark. Lights Out - literally.


Monday, July 30, 2007

Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest

So the winner is in! The votes were cast and the cartoon above it the WINNER! Oh sorry background, the Union of Concerned Scientists hold a contest for Scientific Integrity cartoons, then they make a calendar out of the 12 finalists cartoons. Check out the finalist below:

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Political Tipping Point

I feel really blessed to have been born and raised during a time when the climate was in a tranquil state....especially after reading this article. The author of "The Last Generation: How Nature Will Take Her Revenge for Climate Change" - Fred Pearce (actually titled "With Speed and Violence" in the U.S.) is summed up here and definitely has some interesting points to make about what we know......and even more about what we don't know. It's definitely enough to scare you.

Oxygen Depleted Dead Zone??

Wow, this is a real eye opener....in a nutshell, pollutants from the Mississippi River (which is fed from sources throughout the U.S.) have been seeping into the Gulf of Mexico for so long that the area - estimated at over 8,500 square miles is completely oxygen deficient. Read the short article below:


Greentips....Read All About It!

Read this month's Greentips Newletter at:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

FEED - July 2007

The new issue of FEED is out, check out articles like.....
  • Tyson goes antibiotic free for fresh grocery chicken
  • The future of your food choices is being debated in Congress now!
  • Global warming threatens wild relatives of food crops
  • Ireland's government pledges to go GE-free
  • Summer Reading: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle


Monday, July 2, 2007

Live Earth Concerts

So on 7/7/07 (this coming Saturday), several bands are playing concerts simutaneously throughout the globe. The even is meant to inspire people all over the world to "Answer a Call" to combat the climate crisis. There are several well known bands as well as the less known participating. Check out the schedule:


Unfortunately, there are not that many official venues (closest one to me is NYC - which is a bit of a jaunt). However, I do believe that there are other local concerts being held as well so check out you local listings to find out the haps in your area.

Green Films

As this article states, environmentalist have been making green films way before The Inconvient Truth. Surprisingly, many of them I have seen but didn't put them in the green category.

Check out the films mentioned in this article the next time your at the video store or put them in your Netflix Queue -


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Solar Power

So one of the main comments I hear about solar power or lack of solar power is that it costs too much to install. Well I found this interesting article on "Shrinking the costs of solar power." http://tech.msn.com/guides/green/articlecnet.aspx?cp-documentid=4855315

Top 10 Greenest US Cities

Can you guess what they are?? I'll give you a clue....they are all urban cities. Just guess, I bet you can make 5/10!

Like this one (above) - I'll give you a clue, it's in the west and starts with a "B"?

Or this one....it's a little easier, just look at the skyline.

Check out the answers here:


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Energy Bill 2007

From the Union of Concerned Scientists:

Late last night the Union of Concerned Scientists and our allies won a major victory on fuel economy! Thanks in part to your numerous emails and phone calls, the Senate voted yesterday to substantially increase the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standard of America's cars and trucks for the first time in over 30 years—setting a target of 35 miles per gallon by 2020.
At a press conference in the U.S. Capitol, UCS staff were invited to stand up with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and other Senate leaders. UCS was explicitly recognized for our work in helping to get this critical legislation passed—work that we couldn’t have done without your help and support!

The next step will be to get these strong standards passed in the House and signed intolaw. We’ll need your help so look for more alerts in the months ahead. But fuel economy standards were only part of the Energy Bill that was passed yesterday. Unfortunately, we were less successful in another one of our main objectives—increasing our use of clean, renewable electricity from sources like the sun, energy crops, and wind. UCS and a national coalition were blocked from adding a national renewable energy standard to the Senate energy bill by a small group of senators. But Senate leadership has committed to letting the standard be introduced as an amendment. We still have a good shot for a vote at some point this year.

UCS supporters and activists like you have played a pivotal role in convincing 23 states and the District of Columbia to adopt renewable energy standards. A federal standard is still one of the most practical solutions to global warming, so we'll be turning to you once again in the coming months to voice your support for a federal renewable electricity standard—and for passing the fuel economy standard in the House. But for today, let's take time to celebrate this historic moment!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Carbon Offsetting

I found this interesting article about purchasing a pass to offset your personal carbon emissions. While I think this is a great idea, we cannot expect to buy ourselves out of this global situation. What about all the people who cannot afford to buy their weight in carbon emissions? I feel that the root problem and answer is education and changing the way we live, not using our checkbooks. I guess for some it is peace of mind, however I get my peace of mind by reducing the amount I drive and turning off the lights.

Anyway, this is an interesting article so check it out!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Going Green from the beginning....

So I have several ladies in my life who are expecting.....YAY! So I've come across and/or been asked about environmental sites, products, etc for babies........Unfortunately I have not found a great site to buy all green products for you newborn or toddler. I did come across this site which is pretty neat:

Interesting Facts about Bottled Water

Hey check out this issue of Greentips:


I am not a bottled water snob and have always had a Brita water filter in the fridge. Tastes good, is cold, reduces the amount of recyclables, and there is an endless amount. I do however have a case of bottled water in the car, just in case. I agree with this article and find it especially interesting how they point out the amount of energy that goes into processing bottled water, etc......

If you don't subscribe to the Greentips newsletter, I recommend you do. There is always great information provided.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Organic and Non-GMO Report

FEED (Food & Environment Electronic Digest) just put out a few interesting June newsletter:

One that particularly caught my attention was the about the Organic Food Handbook by Ken Roseboro. Check out their site...it's pretty interesting:

To read FEED online:

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


As we all know the climate is changing, check out this article about the changes happening to the largest island in the world; Greenland. If it does melt, my home state of Nevada will be the new Cali coast......


Also check out this article from Science Daily:

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Interesting Graph

Kilograms of greenhouse gas per person per kilometre -
Graph from www.greenhouse.gov.au/gwci/transport.html (Australia's Greenhouse Office website).

Fuel Efficient Cars

Found this article on fuel efficient vehicles. Although most of them are not necessarily hybrid or hydrogen run, they get high gas mileage, etc.....

Friday, June 1, 2007

Read about Jerry Woodall

He is amazing too! The man that created the lasers in our CD players and several other devices that we use everyday! And he is on the global warming track too! He is working on generating hydrogen from water! This would make fuel-cell vehicles more practical. Listen to him:


Now this is what I'm talking about!

As stated - I love Science Fridays! Listen to this amazing scientist Klaus Lackner. He and his group have created a piece of equipment that acutally pulls Co2 from the air - sort of like a wind mill. I love this idea and hope that the science/innovative society start thinking along these lines, this is really the only way we are going to get out of this situation.

Listen to Klaus Lackner:

Related story:

A show for sustainability

Check out this NPR - Science Friday (one of my favorite NPR segments):


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Just leave it to you know who to screw everything up....

I bet you can already guess who I'm talking about and if you don't, you sure will after reading this article:


Also here are a few cool related links:

Comment on a message board aimed at Bush's motivations:

Select a country and read a little blurb about the effects global warming will have in that region:

Read about different species and the effects global warming is having on them (plus check out a great map!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Starting them out young!

Here is an interesting article about a green high school being built in Atlanta, Georgia!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Interesting PDF I came across

Check out this article as it does have some merit:


Memorial Day Celebrations - Firewood concerns

First off, this is not about NOT burning firewood but rather about transporting firewood. I recently signed a petition to not transport firewood because when firewood is transported, so are all of those little pests inside the firewood. I know anyone who has camped out in the Sierra's, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and any other area with evergreens have seen the damage of the beetles (These are the areas I have personally wittnessed the problem). Patched of brown amongst the beautiful lush evergreens is usually the result of a particular beetle (Mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae and the Douglas-fir beetle -Dendroctonus pseudotsugae) are two commonly seen.

My point is that during this holiday season, buy or cut the firewood in the local area in which it will be burned. This decreases the probablity that beetles and other pests will be transported.
An interesting site (although I am not promoting the use of insecticides) for more information on beetles:

Additional points to think about when purchasing firewood:
  • Use local firewood
  • Do not transport firewood from home(e.g., across county lines, especially to second homes such as summer houses, cottages, cabins and hunting shacks)
  • Leave unused wood behind when going home
  • Burn firewood where you buy it


Another good site for Green tips:


Monday, May 21, 2007

Life of the Polar Bear

So there are so many consequences of Global Warming, it seems like it is never ending. Some of them we don't even think about and others are quite obvious. The polar bears for instance, once all of the polar caps and glaciers melt, the polar bear will have no habitat left. Some may call it evolution others call it Global Warming...you are free to choose.

Greenpeace demonstration in Germany

Talk about making a point, there was a Greenpeace protest in Berlin today in which 17 samll dead whales were laid out in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Can't be exactly sure that the statistics in the article are correct or incorrect, but if they are; there is a lot of wildlife being effected by commercial whaling. Check it out:


Greentips from the Union of Concerned Scientists

Check out this link to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), it's a Greentips Newsletter but also has links to Global Warming, Vehicles, Energy, Invasives, Security, Food, and Scientific Integrity.

This particular link/issue of Greentips is about Green Roofs:


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Biofuels - A Double Edged Sword?

A personally disturbing thing to me about Global Warming is that because it is a relatively new discovery, and we can do several things to curb the effects however we cannot be sure that our current solutions won't be problematic in the future. It truly is a double edged sword. Take biofuels for example....it may reduce greenhouse gases but may also destroy the cultivated land used to grow the corn or sugarcane. It's almost as though it will take us another 50 years just to figure out how to get ourselves out of this mess. However, I completely agree with lowering our dependancy on fossil fuels; globally. It is not only been a key culprit in the deterioration of Mother Earth, it has also been one of the main causes of war throughout the world. Ride your bike....Peace.

Here are a few articles regarding the use of biofuels:

National Geographic:

United Nations website:

Another great resource:

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Life of the Honeybee

Over the last several years there have been alarming studies done on the decline and demise of the honeybee. We never really think about how much the honeybee contributes to our food source and ecosystem. Many years ago there was an article about almond trees not being pollinated and effects on the farmers (monetarily) - it was significant. Recently I have heard more and more about this subject, however it seems that the cause may be much deeper than originally thought. Check out these articles (one posted last summer, the other just last week):
July 2006:

May 2007:

Food Articles....

Not sure that this EXACTLY fits the theme of this blog, however our food source is definately a topic that is dramatically affected by Global Warming, the overall condition of Mother Earth, and human influence.

The Spinach Scare, no more....not exactly:


Cloning animals....and plants?


New Fuel Standards.....by 2020

Well it's not tomorrow, but at least we are moving forward; little by little. Check out the most recent article on the bill approved by the Commerce Committee that would raise fuel economy standards to 35mpg by 2020.


Friday, May 4, 2007

It's a long battle ahead....

But at least we as a global society are getting started. Read about the deal reached TODAY about climate change.....


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

NO GAS on May 15th, 2007

NO GAS...On May 15th 2007

Don't pump gas on MAY 15th

In April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.

On May 15th 2007, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.

There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up. If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 2 BILLION) out of the oil companies pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the oil industry for at least one day.

In addition, it has been pointed out that lower gas prices will increase the amount of CO2 in the air....yes this is correct and I am not an advocate of this theory however the purpose of this blog is to post all information related to Environmental issues - positive and negative.

Maybe those who decide to NOT buy gas that day will instead ride their bikes and decide that they will indeed ride more often - not only is it cheap; it's usually more enjoyable too.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A different opinion

I recently received an email from a friend who doesn't believe in Global Warming. I respect her opinion, however I do not agree with it. I have posted an interesting site she provided with opposing views from my own. My goal for this blog is to provide ALL of the information so that you can choose what to believe. So check it out and become as educated as possible.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Write a letter to STOP ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil has been undermining science and casting doubt on the facts about global warming. Click on the link below to send a letter to your senator. Its quick, easy, and literally a click of the mouse (it's never been easier to be an active participant):


Also, get on the Union of Concerned Scientists list, which keeps you up to date on legislative action and allows you to actively oppose legislation that you don't agree with. It's great and comes straight to your inbox.

Earth Day should be Everyday!

As well all know, tomorrow is the nationally recognized Earth Day. In honor of that special day, ride your bike, plant trees, change out your light bulbs, or if you are aching to buy something, make sure that it is environmentally compliant.

And because you've started in honor of Earth Day, please continue to make these efforts EACH and EVERYDAY. If we treat mother earth right, she will give to us in return as she has been for the last 100,000 years.

We sort of owe it, don't you think?

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Send a letter to your Senator!

Here's an alert from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Please send a letter today to your representative and senators and urge them to support new bills aimed at avoiding the worst effects of global warming.Please go to the URL below to check out the details and send your own message in support of these vital bills.

Take action today at


Thursday, March 1, 2007

Polar Year kick-off

Check out this article about the Polar Year which is kicking off today! WOW what a collaborative effort - go global!


Friday, February 16, 2007

The Kyoto Treaty....read all about it!

So if you don't know all about the Kyoto Treaty or just want to read about it a little, here's a good link:


Strange that the US didn't sign the treaty...I wonder whose smart idea that was (I have my ideas...but this isn't a political blog). Anyone have any thoughts on that?

Al Gore - The Rocker

So Al Gore is putting on a series of concerts to raise money for the Global Warming cause. Some of his headliners are old school Bon Jovi and Snoop Dogg!!

To get more info:


Glacial Lakes

I heard this great section on NPR this morning about the Glaciers melting and creating HUGE lakes UNDERneath them. There are several indications in that event that Global Warming is very real. Check out the section at:


Saturday, February 10, 2007


Here's a great piece which gives you an idea of our elected officals and their stance on Global Warming.


Monday, February 5, 2007

Go Al !

Like the articles say, you don't have to spend your life in a lab to make a difference. Al Gore has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Go Al ! Our world is definately changing and it's happening FAST!

Check it out:


Friday, February 2, 2007

More Articles..................

The long awaited report came out today......Haven't found a copy yet, but I'm sure it's out there on the net somewhere. I'll post it later. Here is a precursor article:

Also, check out Slate.com, they've got A LOT of interesting articles on the subject:

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Some GREAT Organizations

A list of great organizations (mostly So Cal). I'm sure there are similiar organizations in your area so look these up and find one close to you.

Small things you can do....Its easy just use your head!

Just some small changes that you can make everyday that when enough people make these changes, the synergy can be enormous.

  1. Recycle as much as you can and buy products with less packaging . . .
  2. Use alternatives to cars where possible and think about the environment before you buy a car – opt for something that is fuel-efficient and non-polluting. Try to set up a car pool at work . . .
  3. Conserve water - wash your clothing in cold water and use your dryer less . . .
    Use all chemicals sparingly – engine fuels, detergents, antifreeze etc should all be kept out of sinks and storm drains . . .
  4. Use energy wisely – don’t leave electrical devices on in your home unless you are using them . . .
  5. Use less paper at the office or at home . . .

I know all of this stuff is obvious, but we all need a little reminder every once in a while, right??

Larry King Live!

There was a pretty good interview on Larry King Live last night. check out this link:


Interesting because he had four panelists, all with differing opinions. Can't wait to see the report tomorrow!

I'll keep you posted.

Monday, January 29, 2007

New site with LOTS of green information

Just got this site passed to me from a friend and have gotten responses from others.....I would like to reiterate that I want to share information from ALL sources, regardless of party lines, religion and the whole he said she said game. We all live on this planet together!

I'd like to share facts and information that is already out there circulating to gain awareness and a place for others to educate themselves and others. I am relying on YOU to:
  1. Believe
  2. Challenge
  3. Disagree
  4. Add To
  5. Pass On
  6. Become Active

OK so this site with TONS of articles was passed on from a friend at Patagonia (which has been one of the most green companies I've worked for and know of today). I know all of you over at Patagonia have a ton of information to share so I ask that you do!


CNN's most recent article on Global Warming (GW)

Check out this new article from CNN....I'll keep you posted on the results once they come out. Interesting how our government continually tries to "protect" us from hearing information that is revealed through other media sources. Old methods don't work with the technology and communications we have today - Sorry.

TITLE: Experts slam upcoming global warming report


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Science Fridays are the BEST

If you are not a frequenter of NPR (National Public Radio) I seriously suggest it. Last Friday they had a great segment about climate change and global warming, here's the link:



If you haven't seen the movie.....

If you haven't had a chance to see the movie - The Inconvenient Truth - SEE IT!! There is a link to a lot of the information www.climatecrisis.net, so check it out.

The Green Automobile.....Read all about it!!

So I'm sure almost everyone reading this either drives a hybrid or has seriously thought about buying one. We'll if you're anything like me, I'm always toying with:
  1. Should I go into more debt?
  2. Is the technology (like everything else) going to continue to improve....should I wait until they are built better?
  3. And lastly, how does it really work? For example if I don't put that many "freeway" miles on my car, does it really help the environment?

Well I don't know all the answers here however, I do know of this great link a friend of mine shared with me, which explains some of these things as well as giving reviews and information on the Green Automobile - Check it out: http://www.autobloggreen.com

I will be working on the answers for you, so stay posted......

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The start of something great!

So this email started it all for me. After receiving an unbelievable amount of responses, I decided to start this blog. PLEASE post, comment, and share your thought ideas, news, etc....as awareness and action is all we have. I will continue to post any and all information that I can find on Global Warming (environmental, political, and economical), societal changes (good and bad), and the general state of our nation.

The Inconvenient Truth. PLEASE see it, regardless of political or religious beliefs....as it really gives a clear understanding of global warming and the effects it is having on Mother Earth. Initially I avoided the movie because I thought it was going to be one of those....make you want to run off screaming into the bushes after you wipe all the tears away type of documentaries. However I was pleasantly surprised that more than anything else it was an eye opener, very informative and gave actual concrete ways we can and must change the way we have been living. Anyway PLEASE SEE IT!!!!

Also, after convincing a dear friend after a yoga session that she shouldn't avoid the movie anymore, she gave me this website to check out which is really cool. You can calculate the amount of Carbon Dioxide you produce and has numerous other resources: CHECK IT OUT!


So let's pull our educated minds together people and start changing things....so that our children and our childrens, children can enjoy all of the beauty we all have gotten to experience! If anything, please just forward this blog on to EVERYONE on your email list. Thank you, I appreciate it and so does Mother Earth!