Monday, January 29, 2007

New site with LOTS of green information

Just got this site passed to me from a friend and have gotten responses from others.....I would like to reiterate that I want to share information from ALL sources, regardless of party lines, religion and the whole he said she said game. We all live on this planet together!

I'd like to share facts and information that is already out there circulating to gain awareness and a place for others to educate themselves and others. I am relying on YOU to:
  1. Believe
  2. Challenge
  3. Disagree
  4. Add To
  5. Pass On
  6. Become Active

OK so this site with TONS of articles was passed on from a friend at Patagonia (which has been one of the most green companies I've worked for and know of today). I know all of you over at Patagonia have a ton of information to share so I ask that you do!

CNN's most recent article on Global Warming (GW)

Check out this new article from CNN....I'll keep you posted on the results once they come out. Interesting how our government continually tries to "protect" us from hearing information that is revealed through other media sources. Old methods don't work with the technology and communications we have today - Sorry.

TITLE: Experts slam upcoming global warming report

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Science Fridays are the BEST

If you are not a frequenter of NPR (National Public Radio) I seriously suggest it. Last Friday they had a great segment about climate change and global warming, here's the link:


If you haven't seen the movie.....

If you haven't had a chance to see the movie - The Inconvenient Truth - SEE IT!! There is a link to a lot of the information, so check it out.

The Green Automobile.....Read all about it!!

So I'm sure almost everyone reading this either drives a hybrid or has seriously thought about buying one. We'll if you're anything like me, I'm always toying with:
  1. Should I go into more debt?
  2. Is the technology (like everything else) going to continue to improve....should I wait until they are built better?
  3. And lastly, how does it really work? For example if I don't put that many "freeway" miles on my car, does it really help the environment?

Well I don't know all the answers here however, I do know of this great link a friend of mine shared with me, which explains some of these things as well as giving reviews and information on the Green Automobile - Check it out:

I will be working on the answers for you, so stay posted......

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The start of something great!

So this email started it all for me. After receiving an unbelievable amount of responses, I decided to start this blog. PLEASE post, comment, and share your thought ideas, news, awareness and action is all we have. I will continue to post any and all information that I can find on Global Warming (environmental, political, and economical), societal changes (good and bad), and the general state of our nation.

The Inconvenient Truth. PLEASE see it, regardless of political or religious it really gives a clear understanding of global warming and the effects it is having on Mother Earth. Initially I avoided the movie because I thought it was going to be one of those....make you want to run off screaming into the bushes after you wipe all the tears away type of documentaries. However I was pleasantly surprised that more than anything else it was an eye opener, very informative and gave actual concrete ways we can and must change the way we have been living. Anyway PLEASE SEE IT!!!!

Also, after convincing a dear friend after a yoga session that she shouldn't avoid the movie anymore, she gave me this website to check out which is really cool. You can calculate the amount of Carbon Dioxide you produce and has numerous other resources: CHECK IT OUT!

So let's pull our educated minds together people and start changing that our children and our childrens, children can enjoy all of the beauty we all have gotten to experience! If anything, please just forward this blog on to EVERYONE on your email list. Thank you, I appreciate it and so does Mother Earth!